It’s only a few more weeks until our 2025 Answers VBS Showcase, January 23–25, 2025.
This year is an Old West-themed VBS adventure called Wonder Junction that will teach kids about who Jesus is as they marvel at his birth, childhood, ministry, death and resurrection, and coming return. It’s all about telling kids who Jesus is and calling them to live for his glory.
It’s all about telling kids who Jesus is and calling them to live for his glory.
Answers VBS is in the top three VBS programs sold in the world, and I believe it is by far the most powerful. It is a unique VBS with science experiments, apologetics, biblical worldview, Bible memorization, great songs, and, of course (like everything we do at AiG), it’s gospel centered.
Over 15,000 churches, impacting over one million children in total, used our VBS in 2024. So many pastors and leaders tell us they’ve never seen so many children (and even adults that are present) respond to the gospel as they do with AiG’s VBS. I strongly encourage you to check out Wonder Junction for your 2025 VBS program.
And if you’re planning to use our VBS, you’ll want to make plans right away to attend our showcase and be immersed in all that Wonder Junction has to offer, including:
It’s three days filled with teaching, fun, fellowship, and time to tour the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter—and all for just $99 (that also includes three days of free parking and a refillable tumbler that you can use throughout the day at both attractions. It’s a $300 value for just $99!).
Enjoy some photos from last year’s event:
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.