Flat-Earthers and “Globe-Earthers” Head to Antarctica To Settle the Debate

by Ken Ham on December 22, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The flat-earth community has grown rapidly in the past decade or so, fueled by endless YouTube videos claiming to “prove” the earth really is flat and that a globe earth is just a giant conspiracy. Sadly, many Christians get sucked into this false idea and usually become evangelists, not for Christ, but for a flat earth. It’s a massive distraction from the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. So one pastor took a group to Antarctica for what he calls “The Final Experiment.”

Our astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner, and aerospace engineer Rob Webb interviewed Pastor Will Duffy before he left for Antarctica to explain why he’s doing this experiment and how it works.

Well, the group left, and, yes, they did see the midnight sun the night they arrived, exactly as the globe-earth model predicts. This is no surprise—not only does observational science clearly confirm the earth is a globe, but I personally know godly men who have been to space (like Captain Barry Wilmore who is currently on the ISS and scheduled to come home in late March) and who have seen the earth from space. They can confirm that, yes, it is a globe.

We will be releasing another video on the Antarctic trip with the details of the results of “The Final Experiment,” so stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile, you can find more resources disproving a flat earth on our website, YouTube channel, or in Dr. Faulkner’s book Falling Flat.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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