The End and the Beginning

by Ken Ham on October 25, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I’m sure you’ve heard the old proverb attributed to the fourteenth-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, “All good things must come to an end.” Apparently, the original statement was closer to “Everything has an end.”

But not everything has an end! I particularly think about this in regard to my good friend and brother in Christ, the late Buddy Davis. Buddy recently departed this earth for his heavenly home. So Buddy’s ministry on earth ended—or did it?

God gifted Buddy with so many talents. He was a dinosaur sculptor and a singer and songwriter who played many different musical instruments. He was an artist and an entertaining speaker—a great star for TV programs for families. In his early years, he was a dog groomer and taxidermist.

Buddy and I put together a unique program called Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel. We later changed the title to Dinosaurs and More. We presented this program all over the world and often onstage at the Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. Tens of thousands of people (including many children) were impacted by it.

Buddy had such a heart for reaching people with the gospel. I listened so many times to him pleading with people to make sure they received the free gift of salvation so they would know they’d go to heaven when they die. People experienced his sincerity and passion.

There’s so much more I could say about Buddy. He was one of my closest friends, and like a brother, really.

Now Buddy has left this earth. So does that mean his ministry on earth has finished? Not at all. In so many ways, Buddy’s legacy (and as I said at his memorial service, it is also the legacy of his wife, Kay, who supported him in every way possible to make his ministry so successful) lives on. Let me give you some examples.

Buddy’s legacy lives on:

  1. At the Ark Encounter, where numerous topiaries he sculpted are featured throughout the gardens.
  2. In the Creation Museum, where many of the dinosaur sculptures Buddy did are displayed in a special exhibit called Buddy Davis’ Dino Den. Signage throughout the exhibit explains to all ages how to understand dinosaurs from a biblical worldview perspective.
  3. In the Creation Museum gardens, where various topiaries Buddy designed can be seen and a number of dinosaur (and other extinct reptile) sculptures are specially featured during the spectacular ChristmasTown lights display.
  4. In his TV programs, which will continue to impact families around the world for generations as they are on our Answers TV streaming platform.
  5. In his music and songs, which will continue to minister to people through different streaming platforms, various VBS programs, and covers by other artists—including our own resident artists, TrueSong.
  • Buddy Davis Dino Den

    One of the dinosaur models Buddy created for the Dino Den.

  • Topiary at the Ark Encounter

    One of the giraffe topiaries Buddy designed for the Ark Encounter.

  • Buddy Davis

    Buddy with one of the guitars he used to play his beloved tunes.

So no, everything does not have an end. Buddy’s legacy continues reaching more and more people. It’s the end of Buddy’s earthly life, but it’s the beginning of a new era of legacy impact on earth until Jesus returns. Not only that, but who knows how many will be in heaven because of Buddy’s ministry? That legacy has no end. It has eternal impact.

Now that’s a legacy.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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