Does Biblical Inerrancy Necessitate Believing in a Young Earth?

by Ken Ham on October 19, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Many pastors, Christian leaders, theologians, and seminary professors believe in biblical inerrancy—they affirm that God’s Word is without error, infallible, and authoritative. And yet many of these same Christians either add man’s word into Genesis when it comes to millions of years and/or evolution or they refuse to take a position on these topics. So does belief in biblical inerrancy necessitate belief in a young earth and a literal Genesis?

Well, Dr. Terry Mortenson, one of our speakers and researchers, recently headed to South Carolina for an apologetics conference organized by Southern Evangelical Seminary. While there, Dr. Mortenson spoke at a breakout session and also participated in a debate with an old-earth creationist, Hugh Ross.

The debate topic: Does Belief in Inerrancy Necessitate a Particular View of the Age of the Earth?

Dr. Mortenson did an excellent job defending the position that, yes, to be faithful to the doctrine of biblical inerrancy and the text of Scripture itself, you must believe in a young earth and a literal Genesis. I encourage you to watch this debate and share it with others, especially those who are unsure what to believe about Genesis or have compromised with the world’s ideas.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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