Praise the Lord: 1,700 Impacted at Answers for Pastors

by Ken Ham on October 16, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our annual Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference at the Ark Encounter certainly has grown over the years. It was so thrilling last week to kick off this year’s event with a packed auditorium at our Answers Center. Praise the Lord for the 1,700 pastors, leaders, and pastor’s wives impacted with biblical truth over the three-day conference.

The event included incredible teaching and, for the first time ever, a special women’s only session. Enjoy these photos from the conference:

  • Conference speaker
  • Conference speaker
  • Conference speaker
  • Conference speaker
  • Womens session
  • Conference crowd
  • Conference crowd
  • Conference crowd

In addition to these powerful teaching presentations, attendees experienced an outstanding performance on the life of the Apostle Paul put on by Logos Theatre from The Academy of Arts in South Carolina. This is the same organization that will be bringing the phenomenal stage production The Horse and His Boy back to the Ark in November and Pilgrim’s Progress in January.

  • By The Will of God performance
  • By The Will of God performance
  • By The Will of God performance
  • By The Will of God performance
  • By The Will of God performance

The conference participants also experienced a wonderful evening with Keith and Kristyn Getty and their band, with a special appearance from Matt Papa. Don’t miss next year’s conference—Faith like Noah, September 30–October 2, 2025. You’ll enjoy world-class speakers and the opportunity to see incredible performances.

  • Conference concert
  • Conference concert
  • Conference concert
  • Conference concert
  • Conference concert

Oh, and another conference event we have coming up next year is our Legacy Conference, a two-day event, June 13–14, 2025, where I will give my eight classic presentations at the Ark Encounter. I’m looking forward to sharing with you about the authority of God’s Word, the importance and relevance of Genesis, what a biblical worldview is and why it matters, how to live in today’s culture, and more.

Register today and enjoy an early-bird discount.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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