More Dinosaurs Are Coming to the Creation Museum This Month

by Ken Ham on October 4, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Ready for a stunning new Creation Museum exhibit? Our artist and fabrication teams have been making significant progress on the Rapid Burial exhibit that is currently being installed in the Starting Points room at the Creation Museum.

This new exhibit will help guests learn about rapid burial and the flood, showing how fossils formed catastrophically.

Over the past few weeks, the fabrication team has focused on the exhibit’s installation. Once that is done, the artists will begin the final touch-ups. This new exhibit will help guests learn about rapid burial and the flood, showing how fossils formed catastrophically. It will be a great teaching point and so eye-catching for children and adults. (Many evolutionists think they “own” dinosaurs—but we love reclaiming dinosaurs for God’s glory!) The exhibit will be opened sometime toward the end of October.

  • New exhibit dinosaur
  • New exhibit
  • Exhibit behind banner
  • Exhibit installation
  • Exhibit installation
  • Exhibit installation
  • Exhibit concept art

Get Up Close with Fossils

And if you’d love to learn more about fossils, rapid burial, and the flood, you can discover more by getting your hands dirty—literally!

Our paleontologist, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, is leading a trip to a popular fossil hunting site, Caesar Creek Lake in Ohio (about 75 minutes from the Creation Museum). After enjoying a special presentation on fossils, geology, and the flood, you’ll get to head out into the field to hunt for fossils. It’s a wonderful opportunity to be a paleontologist for a day.

This event is taking place October 26, 2024, at Caesar Creek Lake and is open to those 11 years old and up. There isn’t much time left to register, so save your spot today on our website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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