Our Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit Celebrates 4 Years of Impact

by Ken Ham on September 24, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In just over two months, our beautiful new conservatory featuring the plants of the Bible is scheduled to open to the public here at the Creation Museum (just in time for the beginning of our free ChristmasTown program). We’re excited for this stunning new attraction that will bring even more guests to the museum and impact them with the gospel. And that reminds me of another stunning museum exhibit—Fearfully and Wonderfully Made—which is already celebrating four years of impact!

Not only is it a powerful defense of the sanctity of life, but it’s a moving experience for many who have considered or had an abortion or who have miscarried or had a stillbirth.

It’s hard to believe it’s been four years since we unveiled Fearfully and Wonderfully Made in a special grand-opening ceremony. The original exhibit was a temporary installation that was moved to its own space in Palm Plaza two years ago next month. It’s stunning, and guests give rave reviews. Not only is it a powerful defense of the sanctity of life, but it’s a moving experience for many who have considered or had an abortion or who have miscarried or had a stillbirth.

Enjoy these exhibit photos:

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit

I am thankful for the four years of impact this exhibit has had and look forward to the continuing impact of the Creation Museum, including with our coming conservatory!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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