Atheist YouTuber Criticizes Young-Earth Creationists: Ken Ham Responds

by Ken Ham on September 22, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our social media team recently asked me to respond to a young lady who has a YouTube channel that featured a video criticizing young-earth creationists and our (in her view) ridiculous beliefs. Now, we see many (many) such videos (there are whole channels dedicated to mocking us!) and don’t always respond, but I decided to respond to this one to point out the inconsistency in her thinking.

See if you can catch her inconsistency in the clip at the beginning of my response:

Yes, she’s borrowing from the biblical worldview in order to argue against it! This happens over and over again because these atheists have a conscience and a knowledge of God that they’ve suppressed in unrighteousness. Atheists will always be inconsistent in what they say—they have to be when their foundation is man’s word not God’s Word.

Atheism is just another false gospel—a gospel of self. Atheists are very religious people. And we, as Christians, need to be equipped to think both biblically and logically about their atheism. That’s why I’m excited to be speaking at this spring’s Answers for Women conference, Resolute: Refuting False Gospels with Biblical Truth. Taking place at the Ark Encounter March 31–April 2 and again April 3–5, 2025 (yes, this conference has been so popular that we’re offering two back-to-back duplicate conferences), Resolute will help you respond to false gospels—including progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, empty spirituality, and more. During this conference, you’ll hear from me, Martyn Iles, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Patricia Engler along with Doreen Virtue, Costi Hinn, Laura Story, and many more.

Don’t miss out on Answers for Women 2025. It’s such a meaty, rich, women’s conference, directly dealing with the issues of our day. Register today on our event page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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