Trump Opens Up About Mortality: Ken Ham Responds

by Ken Ham on September 15, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I’m about to get political!

We won’t be voting for a perfect person, but we need to judge the worldview of all such public figures against the authority of God’s Word, pray for them, and vote accordingly.

Well, the video I’m going to share below, which was recorded on the final evening of our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music Festival, held at the Ark Encounter, isn’t about whom to vote for in the election. There are only two realistic options, and Christians need to vote to minimize evil and maximize righteousness. We won’t be voting for a perfect person, but we need to judge the worldview of all such public figures against the authority of God’s Word, pray for them, and vote accordingly. That’s my view on the upcoming election.

The video I’ll share below is in response to a recent interview where President Trump shared his views on death and religion. He believes America needs more religion—I disagree. Why? Well, I encourage you to watch this ten-minute video:

Please share this video with others during this important election season. And continue each day to pray for this nation and our leaders.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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