Answers Academy Needs Musical Instruments: Can You Help?

by Ken Ham on September 11, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We’re in search of musical instruments! Do you own any instruments that are not being used that you could donate to our biblical worldview discipleship Christian school, Answers Academy, and their music program?

Many families have instruments just sitting around gathering dust that could be used to teach coming generations how to use and appreciate them. Our Answers Academy music teacher is wanting to build up a supply of such instruments at the school for regular demonstration, including:

Many families have instruments just sitting around gathering dust that could be used to teach coming generations how to use and appreciate them.
  • Trumpet
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Alto saxophone
  • Guitar (acoustic and classical acoustic only)

If you have an instrument that’s not on this list that you would like to donate, please reach out—there are other instruments our music teacher would love to obtain.

Student models are welcome, but the instruments need to be in good condition. We use the phrase “function and finish in very good to excellent condition” to describe instruments we would use. In other words, these instruments still look nice and are playable without needing repair.

If you have any musical instruments in good condition that you would consider donating to the school (and we give a tax-deductible letter for such donations), please fill out this form on our website.

We appreciate your support of Answers Academy! It’s wonderful to have a truly biblical worldview school that also emphasizes both academic rigor and the arts.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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