Thousands of Students Impacted at Cedarville University Event

by Ken Ham on September 10, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Yes, we’re now living “in Babylon”—the Western world is hostile to the Christian faith, and we feel the exile. So how should we live? Well, that’s what Martyn Iles and I were equipping students for this past weekend at Cedarville University in Ohio with our program Living in Babylon.

Cedarville is one of the few Christian universities that stand with Answers in Genesis on the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. We’re thankful for them and their bold stand.

  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University
  • Living in Babylon: Cedarville University

It was such a privilege to speak to 3,500 students and faculty at Monday morning’s chapel, and then Martyn and I spoke during an evening program to another 3,500 people—members of the general public and students who registered for the event. Then Martyn spoke again Tuesday morning at their chapel.

Thanks to President White for the great partnership Answers in Genesis has with Cedarville University.

Meet with Cedarville Representatives and More

If you’d like to learn more about Cedarville and other Christian colleges that take a stand on Genesis, join us for our Creation College Expo, November 7–9, 2024. Dozens of colleges and seminaries that hold to a young earth and biblical authority will have booths so you and your student can talk one-on-one with the representatives. We will also have times of teaching from myself, Martyn, and Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance; special music from Cedarville University, God’s Bible School & College, and The Crown College; dramas from the BJU Drama team and Logos Theatre; and a special live episode of Tilt Shift—Dr. Tim Chaffey and Bryan Osborne’s popular Answers TV movie-review show.

It’s going to be a great event—and it’s free! All registered students in 7th–12th grade attend for free and enjoy free Ark Encounter admission. Immediate family members receive a 20% discount, and the students and their families also receive 20% off admission to the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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