Crowds Arrived for Crowder (And Casting Crowns Is Still to Come)

by Ken Ham on September 6, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Last weekend was Labor Day weekend in the US, and we had yet another record attendance day at the Ark Encounter on Saturday—we welcomed over 9,700 guests! Between the two attractions, our total attendance was around 12,000. Praise the Lord.

The positive tourism economic impact on Northern Kentucky is enormous . . . But it’s the phenomenal spiritual impact that we’re thrilled about.

The positive tourism economic impact on Northern Kentucky is enormous (though our current left-wing liberal governor doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge the Ark and Creation Museum even exist). But it’s the phenomenal spiritual impact that we’re thrilled about. Our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music Festival (“40/40”) has seen around 2,000 people respond to the gospel message this year.

On Labor Day Saturday, many guests lined up to be at the 40/40 concert featuring TrueSong (our resident artists) and the headliner, Crowder. (Atheists will probably claim these photos were all done by AI and do not show real people. Oh dear, now I’ve given them an idea!)

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  • Crowder with Ken and Mally

It was a great concert, but most exciting is that over 160 people responded to the gospel message that evening! Praise the Lord!

Well, we have only two more evenings of 40/40 left for 2024, including tonight, featuring the Isaacs and Ryan Watkins, and Saturday evening—the final night—featuring Joseph Habedank and Casting Crowns. It’s sure to be another big night! Don’t miss out (and remember, all concerts are included free with Ark Encounter admission). Main event concerts begin at 4 p.m. in the Answers Center.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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