¿Cuál es tu Identidad? Giving Answers About Identity at Día Latino

by Ken Ham on August 27, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog
Also available in Español

What is a man? What is a woman? And why does it matter?

Many people today—especially young people—are very confused about their identity. The world tells them they are what they feel, but feelings are confusing and ever-changing and certainly don’t provide ultimate purpose or meaning. And because we are sinners, we can’t trust our feelings. But God’s Word provides the ultimate purpose, meaning, and answers we need.

And we’re giving those answers to adults, teens, and families at our upcoming Día Latino at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, October 18–19, 2024. This two-day event is specifically for Spanish-speakers, featuring teaching sessions either in or translated into Spanish, worship with the Aliento de Vida church worship group, and time to tour both the attractions with translators scattered throughout the grounds and Spanish signage and subtitles.

Each of our teaching sessions is designed to provide answers about identity—what it means to be a man or a woman and to have an identity grounded in Christ. Hear from

Each of our teaching sessions is designed to provide answers about identity—what it means to be a man or a woman and to have an identity grounded in Christ.
  • AiG’s Joe Owen, Abby Owen, Arturo Valdebenito, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and me
  • Dr. Victor Tiburcio, pastor of Aliento de Vida Church
  • Laura Perry Smalts, author of Transgender to Transformed
  • And Laura Gonzáles, director of the Spanish ministry Aviva Nuestros Corazones.

You won’t want to miss this encouraging two-day event at the world’s leading Christian themed attractions. Not only will you be equipped with teaching, but you and your family will love the life-size Noah’s Ark, world-class exhibits, zoo animals, playgrounds, carousel, special effects theater, planetarium, animal shows, daily programming, and so much more. It’s sure to be a packed two days!

Oh, and all children 10 and under visit for free! I encourage you to make plans today on our special event page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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