AiG’s Children’s Novel Wins Selah Award

by Ken Ham on August 15, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Congratulations to our Answers in Genesis publishing team who just won their first Selah Award for Evonne Krell’s (editorial manager here at AiG) children’s novel, The Tower. What an exciting distinction for this fun novel that helps children connect with the event of the tower of Babel by bringing that unique period of history to life.

Here is a little background on the Selah Awards:

The Selah Awards is a US-based writing competition for Christian books run by the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

The Selah Awards are given yearly at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. They are awarded to books and articles published during the previous calendar year.

The Selah Awards were created to celebrate the best in Christian writing. Both traditionally and independently published works from the previous year may be submitted.

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  • The Tower Children's Chapter Book Selah Award

Again, congratulations to Evonne Krell and illustrator Lalou on winning first place in The Tower’s category, and special thanks to the design and editing team for their hard work and attention to detail.

I encourage you to order a copy of this award-winning novel for your children or grandchildren from Answers Bookstore.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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