Daniel: It’s the Message We Need in 2024

by Ken Ham on August 14, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

When Martyn Iles and I have an event together—such as our upcoming free one-day conference at Cedarville University—we usually title it Living in Babylon. Why? Well, just as Daniel and his friends entered a new world filled with paganism and were commanded to compromise truth with a false religion (but didn’t!), so Christians are finding themselves now. The West is quickly becoming a “Babylon”—and we need generations who are prepared and equipped to stand, no matter the consequences.

This idea of raising up Daniels has been a focus for a variety of AiG ministry efforts, and that’s why I was excited to see that our friends at Sight & Sound Theatres are bringing the book of Daniel dramatically to life onstage at their Lancaster, PA, theater. With the increasing push for Christians to bow down to the gods of this age, the account of Daniel and his three friends’ courage and stand for the Lord is very timely.

I have had the privilege of attending several Sight & Sound productions, and they are always phenomenal—as high-quality as anything on Broadway, true to the biblical account (with some artistic license, of course), and Christ-focused. I encourage you to make plans to see it!

But if you aren’t able to travel to Lancaster, you still have an opportunity to enjoy Daniel, because, for the first time ever, Sight & Sound is bringing their production live to the big screen! Theaters across the nation will be showing the live production Friday, August 30, with additional showtimes through September 2, 2024. This is the next best thing to actually being at the live performance.

You just won’t want to miss this stunning portrayal of the book of Daniel. I encourage you to take your children and grandchildren to see this live in theaters—the message of Daniel’s stand in a pagan culture is so vital today.

Find a theater near you and get your tickets at DanielEvent.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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