Praise the Lord—901 People Have Responded to the Gospel at 40/40

by Ken Ham on August 12, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

This past Saturday was another very busy day at the Ark Encounter (and at the Creation Museum too) as thousands of guests poured in, making a packed house for the 40 Days and Nights of Christian Music Festival (40/40) concerts.

Artists on Saturday included our resident artists TrueSong, as well as Riley Clemmons and Mac Powell. The Bible teaching and gospel presentation was given by Marc Pritchett.

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  • Ark Encounter crowd
Please join us in both praising the Lord and praying for the spiritual growth of those 901 new believers.

And we are praising the Lord because, in just the first 13 days of 40/40, 901 people have responded to the gospel. Wow! Please join us in both praising the Lord and praying for the spiritual growth of those 901 new believers.

I encourage you to join us and bring an unsaved loved one or friend with you. Check out the schedule for the coming concerts—including names like Cain, Casting Crowns, Karen Peck & New River, Cochren & Co., Selah, and more still to come—at the Ark Encounter and select days at the Creation Museum: This massive festival ends September 7, 2024.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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