Does Archaeology Confirm the Bible? Kids Discover the Answer

by Ken Ham on August 2, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Does archaeology confirm the Bible? That was the question students were exploring last week in our first-ever Explore Biblical Archaeology program at the Creation Museum. Yes, we’re helping equip the next generation to think biblically and have answers for what they believe in all different areas, including general Bible apologetics.

This new class was packed out! Students learned about biblical archaeology, including how artifacts are dated using archaeological timelines and how archaeology confirms the Bible time and time again. It was taught by two archaeologists, Corey East of our staff and Tommy Chamberlain of Associates for Biblical Research, both of whom have worked on active dig sites in Israel. The program included real artifacts from the land of Israel and many examples of how that field of study confirms the Bible. You can see some of what the students enjoyed in these photos:

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  • Sifting soil

Our Explore programs are very popular and are just some of what we offer families throughout the year (we also have hands-on high school labs from a biblical worldview perspective—these are excellent!). Fall registration is now open, and I encourage you to check out everything we’re offering on our Creation Museum website. We have something for all ages, including adults!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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