Construction Update: Volunteers Clear Out New AiG Headquarters

by Ken Ham on July 27, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Volunteers are a huge part of the Answers in Genesis ministry—we are so thankful for the many individuals, families, and groups (thousands of people over the years) who come and serve at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum or with other aspects of the Answers in Genesis ministry. Their work is so vital and such a blessing to us! Check out what a recent group of volunteers accomplished.

The photos below show part of a group from a church in Starkville, Mississippi. They helped clean and move office cubicles from our new HQ building that is now under renovation. This building became available after Toyota moved its national headquarters to Texas. We have already renovated one-third of the building for Answers Academy (our K–12 Christian school). The rest is being renovated to move all our major offices into (hopefully by January 2025).

  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • Construction update
  • HQ

We have volunteers who serve in guest services, zookeeping, grounds, and other departments at the Ark and Museum—as well as at our design studios, in our warehouse, or in various departments of the core AiG ministry. Some volunteers come for a few days, and others for a few weeks or months. Still others are long-term volunteers who’ve served for years. We’re so thankful for them all! We have limited RV hookups available for those who qualify for longer-stay volunteer work.

If you or your group would like to volunteer, please visit our website and apply today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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