Exhibit Update: Most Detailed Protoceratops in the World

by Ken Ham on July 14, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our artist team has been making great progress on the rapid burial exhibit that will be installed in the Starting Points room in the Creation Museum. Over the past few weeks, the team has been focusing on the very detailed work of painting the Protoceratops dinosaurs. Our artists believe these will be the most detailed such models of this particular dinosaur in the world.

  • Artist working on Protoceratops
  • Protoceratops sculpture
  • Protoceratops
  • Artist working on Protoceratops
  • Artist working on Protoceratops
  • Artist working on Protoceratops
  • Artist working on Protoceratops
It will help guests learn about rapid burial and the flood, showing how fossils formed catastrophically.

Look at the detail in the sculptures. I never cease to be amazed at the God-given talents of our designers. This is going to be a stunning exhibit and a spectacular addition to the Creation Museum. Our team is planning to install this new exhibit in the next few weeks. It will help guests learn about rapid burial and the flood, showing how fossils formed catastrophically. It will be a great teaching point and so eye-catching for children and adults. (Many evolutionists think they “own” dinosaurs—but we love reclaiming dinosaurs for God’s glory!)

This rendering gives you an idea of how the exhibit will look:

Exhibit render

Come to Northern Kentucky and visit the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world—the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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