Construction Update: Headquarters Building

by Ken Ham on June 15, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

About two years ago, the Lord enabled Answers in Genesis to acquire the building Toyota used as its national headquarters here in Northern Kentucky (before they moved to Texas). The original part of the building was built for Cincinnati Bell and then expanded by Toyota. This is one of those “once in a lifetime” type situations.

We have already renovated the left third of the building for our Answers Academy Christian school. We are now renovating the rest of the building to move our offices into. This will become the international headquarters for the Answers in Genesis ministry.

We have already had staff and volunteers removing cubicles, desks, and cabinets to get ready for new lighting, floor coverings, paint, and some additional offices to be built. Enjoy these pictures of the current space:

  • HQ atrium
  • HQ atrium
  • HQ fourth floor
  • HQ room construction
  • HQ room construction
  • HQ lobby construction
  • HQ room construction
  • HQ room construction
  • AiG HQ

This building has already been a tremendous blessing to the ministry, and we praise the Lord for its provision.

New Christian School Curriculum

As I mentioned above, this building also houses our Christian school, Answers Academy. This school is a truly biblical-worldview discipleship school—something that is fairly unique as, sadly, many Christian schools don’t teach a biblical worldview. Well, I’m excited that we’re producing a Bible curriculum for Christian schools that is academically rigorous and comprehensive, enabling children to believe, defend, and proclaim God’s Word.

Our Twelve Stones Curriculum includes apologetics, biblical worldview, and application, while also correcting misinformation about the Bible and integrating God’s Word with every other subject to show how the Bible applies to everything. If you are involved with a Christian school, I encourage you to check it out. Kindergarten through second grade is available now, and more grades are in development.

We also offer a homeschool curriculum, Answers Bible Curriculum, for K–5th grade. It’s incredibly rich—combining apologetics, biblical worldview, theology, doctrine, and application with chronological teaching over four years. There’s really nothing like it! You can learn more at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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