Children’s Hunger Fund Says Thank You to Our Answers VBS Churches

by Ken Ham on June 11, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Each year we produce a phenomenal new Answers VBS program that thousands of churches use to teach tens of thousands of children about the Bible and the gospel message. And, as part of that program, we include a Missions Moment that encourages children to put their faith into action by giving toward a gospel-centered mercy ministry with our ministry partner Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF).

They also meet children’s and families’ spiritual needs through a network of local churches around the world that distribute food, build relationships, and share the gospel. It’s a wonderful ministry!

We’re so thankful for this partnership because CHF doesn’t just meet the physical needs of children and families around the world. They also meet children’s and families’ spiritual needs through a network of local churches around the world that distribute food, build relationships, and share the gospel. It’s a wonderful ministry!

CHF recently produced a thank you video for us to share with our VBS churches because those churches—and all the children at their VBS programs—have raised enough money to provide 13 million meals to children in need! Wow!

And we echo CHF—thank you to each of our VBS churches!

Oh, and if your church puts on a vacation Bible school each year (or is considering it), I encourage you to check out Answers VBS. You will love the in-depth Bible teaching, the apologetics, the evangelistic focus, the biblical worldview emphasis, and, of course, all the fun—including music, games, snacks, crafts, science experiments, drama, and so much more. I consider it to be the most powerful VBS in the world.

Our 2025 Answers VBS is Wonder Junction: Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory, an Old West themed VBS adventure that will teach kids about who Jesus is as they marvel at his birth, childhood, ministry, death and resurrection, and coming return. It’s all about Jesus and the call for kids to live for his glory.

I encourage you to learn more and preorder today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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