God’s Special Effects at the Ark Encounter

by Ken Ham on June 9, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We do see lots of rainbows at the Ark Encounter—which always reminds us of God’s promise in Genesis 9 that he will never judge again with a global flood. Now, what we don't see so often at the Ark is a rainbow around the sun. But a few days ago, Ark visitors were fascinated to see such a rainbow.

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  • Rainbow around the sun

This halo-like rainbow around the sun is actually caused by sunlight refracting off ice crystals in cirrus clouds. The ice crystals act much like a prism. The light is bent at the right angle to separate it into individual colors, similar to how a rainbow forms after a storm. However, the ice crystals have six sides and refract the light differently than raindrops, which have a spherical shape. Thus, we see the halo effect around the sun.

As I say to people, this is just another special effect God provides for us at the Ark Encounter themed attraction.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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