Popular Answers TV Show Wins “Best TV Show” Award

by Ken Ham on June 2, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Answers TV has won another award!

Earlier this year, we announced that Tilt Shift, a movie review show featuring AiG’s Bryan Osborne and Dr. Tim Chaffey, had won an award as the best Christian talk show. Well, I’m excited to announce that another Answers TV original has also won an award!

The Angel Award for Best TV Show was given to Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo at this year’s International Christian Film and Music Festival (ICFF) in Orlando, FL. This fun family show is exclusively available on our streaming platform and has been very popular with kids and families.

Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo, produced in cooperation with Awesome Science Media, follows junior zookeeper Kashtan Bradley and her real-life backyard adventures at the Creation Kingdom Zoo in Gate City, Virginia. Kashtan and her dad, Marc, lead viewers through their family-run zoo and share their love of God’s creation. Together they reveal how crazy and wild it is to care for endangered animals!

  • Angel Award for Best TV Show was given to Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo
  • Kashtan with a horse
  • Kashtan watching Marc hold a parrot
  • Kashtan holding a reptile
  • Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo
  • Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo
  • Answers TV

In addition to the award, we also had several nominations, including Kashtan’s nomination for Best TV Show Host by the ICFF and another of our original children’s programs, Lily’s Lab, receiving a nomination for Best Animated Film. (Lily’s Lab features a truth-loving dinosaur, Lily the Leaellynasaura, who helps answer fun and interesting questions kids ask about God and our world.)

You can enjoy Kashtan’s Wildlife in the Zoo, Lily’s Lab, and other faith-based programs at Answers.tv. This unique streaming platform offers science, nature, adventure, and educational programs based on a truly biblical worldview.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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