What’s Been Spotted at the Creation Museum?

by Ken Ham on May 31, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

During your next visit to the Creation Museum, you might spot some things outside—a large telescope, an astronomer, and a group of listeners peeking into the telescope. If you’ve seen that, you’ve spotted one of our unique educational programs that teach science from a biblical worldview perspective.

On sunny days throughout the summer (June–August, Monday–Friday from 10–11 a.m.), our astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner, holds a fun “sun spotting” workshop at the museum. Now, we all know that looking at the sun without proper protection, even just a glimpse, can cause damage to the eyes. But looking through a specially filtered telescope, you can check out the sun up close, and you’ll spot amazing things like sunspots and solar prominences.

As guests wow over our sun, Dr. Faulkner describes the sun and its activity and then takes the opportunity to answer any questions. Guests of all ages love it!

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  • Man looking through telescope

If you visit on a sunny weekday this summer, be sure to head outside between 10 and 11 in the morning for sun spotting (always check your daily schedule to see what is happening during your visit as programs are subject to change).

For more information, please visit our Creation Museum website.

Exciting STEM Opportunity

If the idea of sun spotting excites you because you love everything science, you might be interested in our upcoming STEM Challenge taking place at the Ark Encounter on November 6, 2024. This challenge for 14–18-year-olds is a one-day, team-based STEM competition with a grand prize of $5,000! Also included is biblical worldview teaching on the competition topic, which, this year, is sustainability and the environment.

You can learn more and register your team on our events page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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