Creation Museum Conservatory and Zoo Updates

by Ken Ham on April 20, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Construction at the Creation Museum is moving along! Despite weather delays (we’ve had a LOT of rain) and supply chain issues (yes, ever since the COVID shutdowns, we continue to have such problems), the Eden Teaching Center at the Creation Museum is really coming along nicely.

This center will consist of a conservatory, which will be the largest in the state of Kentucky, with four glass greenhouses exhibiting the plants of the Bible, a new zoo with a wallaby walkthrough (the wallaby is a species in the kangaroo kind), classrooms for educational instruction, a large outdoor stage for live animal programs, and eventually a butterfly house. A maintenance facility, three large greenhouses, and a zookeepers building are also being built as part of this complex.

Currently, the conservatory’s walkways are almost complete, and aging has been applied to the concrete. Soil for the plants is now being installed in the various houses, and the classroom is almost finished as well.

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  • Creation Museum Zoo Construction

When will all this open? Well, in stages, with the zoo opening first—sometime early to mid-summer. The Conservatory will open late fall.

Plan to visit the Creation Museum and our sister attraction, the Ark Encounter, in Northern Kentucky soon.

Two Tributes

The Christian community has suffered another loss this week. On Monday, I shared with you AiG CCO Mark Looy’s memorial of Beverly LaHaye. We’re saddened to report another loss: Adauto Lourenço was a well-known creation scientist in Brazil and supporter of AiG there. Yesterday, Dr. Gabriela Haynes commemorated her early mentor. Please pray for his friends and family who are grieving his loss yet rejoicing in his presence with our Savior.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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