The Grand Canyon Testifies to a Global Flood

by Ken Ham on April 6, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

God’s Word tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). And just as the expanse of the sky proclaims his glory, we know that God has so visibly revealed himself that mankind is without excuse (Romans 1:20). That powerful revelation is all around us in our everyday lives and beyond in the vastness of his creation.

We can have a hard time comprehending such vastness that seems to know no ends, but some places give us just a glimmer of understanding. The Grand Canyon is one of those!

We can have a hard time comprehending such vastness that seems to know no ends, but some places give us just a glimmer of understanding. The Grand Canyon is one of those—its expanse is so great we can only enjoy it in small sections at any given time. The astounding length—277 miles—plunges to a depth of 6,000 feet, and its rim grows to a width of 18 miles in some places. It is truly magnificent and awe-inspiring.

How did the Grand Canyon form? The details are as captivating as the canyon itself. Water, in all its destructive power, can sometimes create things of beauty even in a fallen word, and that’s exactly what happened at the Grand Canyon. The catastrophic erosion caused by the global flood and post-flood world formed the masterpiece we see today.

Like the trickle of a small stream, the Colorado River that cuts through the canyon today is a small reminder of the powerful force of water that forged this landmark less than five thousand years ago. There is so much to learn from this canyon. It testifies to our Creator, confirms the flood account in Genesis, and gives a powerful demonstration of the chaos of the post-flood world.

Add Adventure to Your Summer Plans

Have you ever marveled at the expanse of the Grand Canyon and longed to go deeper and explore more? Are you looking to add a little adventure to your summer plans? Answers in Genesis partners with Canyon Ministries each summer to go deeper into the Grand Canyon and its significance with rafting trips on the Colorado River where AiG experts share their unique perspectives and knowledge of how the Grand Canyon proclaims the glory of God. These multi-day trips will give you a greater understanding of this canyon and leave you in awe of God and his amazing and perfect revelation.

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  • Grand Canyon

Four-day and seven-day river trips with AiG speakers are available for this adventure of a lifetime! See below for specific dates.

  • 7-Day Upper River Trip
    • June 24–30 with Dr. Danny Faulkner (Astronomy)
    • July 9–15 with Dr. Dana Sneed (CSI)
  • 4-Day Lower River Trip
    • August 17–20 with Bryan Osborne (Creation and Apologetics)

To learn more and reserve your spot, visit

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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