Beautiful Murals Finished at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on March 5, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Wow! The amazing team of artists from our design studios recently finished some stunning new murals in the Welcome Center at the Creation Museum. When you visit the Creation Museum, you will first walk into the Welcome Center, where you can see these beautiful murals before you exit into the stunning botanical gardens on your way to the museum.

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  • Creation Museum Welcome Center mural

These murals are just another example of the upgrades our design team works on to make the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter attractions the best they can be. They do much of this work from January to early March when our attractions are closed Sunday–Tuesday. But our winter hours are almost over—March 11 we begin spring hours and will be open Monday–Saturday. This marks the beginning of our busy season as families enjoying spring break flock to the attractions.

If you’re looking for somewhere to go for spring break, plan your visit to the world’s leading Christian attractions, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, and enjoy everything we have to offer, including the new upgrades from over the winter.

Remember, kids 10 and under visit free in 2024!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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