What a Construction Site Reminds Us About the Bible

by Ken Ham on February 24, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Over the years, I’ve watched many buildings go up at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. It always seems so slow at first as they put in drains, utilities (power, water, sewer), dig the footings and pour them, and so on. But once the foundation is completed, the buildings go up quite quickly. The photographs below give you an update on the new Welcome Center and Jerusalem building under construction at the Ark Encounter attraction.

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  • Welcome Center Construction

Construction has been a little slower than we hoped because we had so much rain. Earlier this month, we had nine days of continuous rain! But much of the foundation for these buildings is now well advanced. The Welcome Center should be operational by early 2025. The Jerusalem building, which will house a large model of first-century Jerusalem and various artifacts etc., is scheduled to be open in 2026.

For any structure, we need the right foundation—and that’s true about the Christian faith too!

Now this construction reminds me of an important biblical truth: for any structure, we need the right foundation—and that’s true about the Christian faith too! Genesis 1–11 is like the foundation of a building; it is the foundational history for the rest of the Bible, for all doctrine, for the gospel, for the Christian worldview, and, in fact, for everything. So when Christians reinterpret Genesis in light of man’s ideas about the past, they are undermining the authority of our foundation—God’s Word and the history he gives us in those early chapters of Genesis.

Strengthen Your Foundation

As Christians, we must stand boldly on our foundation, the eternal Word of God, and refuse to compromise with man’s ideas. And that’s what we’re encouraging pastors, leaders, and others to do at our 2024 Answers for Pastors Conference at the Ark Encounter, October 8–10. This conference is specifically geared toward pastors, though anyone is welcome to attend.

You’ll hear from Costi Hinn, Joel Beeke, Conrad Mbewe, Josh Buice, Martyn Iles, and me, with special worship from modern hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty. Together we’ll encourage you to answer compromise and to equip your flock (or family) to boldly stand on God’s Word in the midst of a generation that demands we give up on our foundation. You can register for this three-day event, generously sponsored by Nutramax and the Herzog Foundation, at AnswerForPastors.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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