In Memory of a Dear Friend, Buster Jiggens

by Ken Ham on January 26, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today, I want to pay a special tribute to one of our dearest, closest friends ever, who passed away this week at age 97—Buster Jiggens.

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  • Marion, Buster, Ken, and Mally

We first met Buster and his wife, Marion, in the town of Dalby, Queensland, Australia in 1975. They “adopted” us as their own kids. Even after we moved from Dalby, we visited them as much as we could.

Anyone who knew Buster understood very clearly where he stood on his Christian faith. He was bold about declaring the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. He loved the ministry of Answers in Genesis and always kept up to date with what we were doing. Our love to all the family as they grieve yet rejoice, knowing Buster is now in his heavenly home.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15)

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