AiG’s K9 Conference a Huge Success

by Ken Ham on January 12, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

When you think of AiG, you probably don’t think of canines! And yet canines are a unique subset of our ministry, and God is using them to reach law enforcement officers and others in public safety with the message of biblical authority and the gospel. This recently took place when our Department of Public Safety hosted its second K9 conference at the Ark Encounter.

Thirty-four K9 teams from all over the United States (and some from other countries) participated in this four-day, jam-packed conference. Over the four days, the K9s and their handlers worked and navigated through over 30 different scenarios happening in various places all over the Ark Encounter property. Law enforcement officers as well as handlers in private business fields also attended lectures on K9 first aid, imprinting on various odors (explosives and narcotics), scenario-based odor-detection training, individual and team challenges, and more.

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  • K9 Conference 2024

It’s so great to see our Department of Public Safety working with outside law enforcement to help all of them provide the best level of security they can in this troublesome world. And it’s a wonderful outreach to these K9 handlers. We pray the Lord uses their time at the Ark to plant seeds of the gospel.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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