Satanic Abortion Rituals—A Counterfeit of What God Has Done?

by Ken Ham on December 9, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Many people were shocked when news outlets began reporting that Cosmopolitan had published an article sharing “steps for how to have a ‘Satanic Abortion Ceremony.’” But this shouldn’t be shocking—after all, Satan always attempts to counterfeit everything God does. Now, what do I mean by that?

Well, God himself provided a sacrifice for sin through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ who became the God-man as the babe in a manger; therefore, the devil wants sacrifices made to himself. Down through the ages, there are examples of child sacrifice as a practice in many pagan religions. Sadly, even the Israelites compromised with pagan religions and at times adopted child sacrifice. Today, child sacrifice is still rampant, but it’s called abortion.

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  • Article reporting on the original Cosmopolitan article

Note in the above screenshots from an article reporting on the original Cosmopolitan article, that, at the conclusion of the “ritual” of this “abortion ceremony,” the mother (yes, the mother of the child being sacrificed) is supposed to say, “By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.” What blasphemy!

Instead of taking someone’s life, Jesus laid down his own life, poured out his own blood, so we could be redeemed!

Again, you see Satan counterfeiting God. What did Jesus say? “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28). Instead of taking someone’s life, Jesus laid down his own life, poured out his own blood, so we could be redeemed!

And in response to such a statement, it’s worth noting that a fertilized egg—the developing body of a child in a mother’s womb—is never a part of the woman’s body. For a start, a fertilized egg has a different combination of information than the woman does (and if it’s a male, it has a Y chromosome—which certainly didn’t come from the woman but from the man!). Also, a woman’s body looks at a fertilized egg as foreign tissue to be rejected (like any human body would look at a kidney transplant as foreign tissue, necessitating anti-rejection drugs for a successful transplant). So God built an anti-rejection system into the woman’s body so a fertilized egg can develop in the womb. Also, a baby’s blood is separate from the mother’s blood. The exchange of nutrients and waste products is accomplished via the placenta. The whole “my body, my choice,” or in this case, “my body, my blood,” is nonsense!

The writers over at Cosmopolitan and this woman who shared her story with them would do well to heed Proverbs 6:16–17: God hates “hands that shed innocent blood.” Yes, God hates hands that kill innocent babies in their mother’s wombs. But that same God poured out his just wrath on his own willing Son, Jesus, so that anyone—including those who have participated in any way in an abortion—who comes to him in faith can be forgiven and receive the free offer of eternal life with him.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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