Just as God Brought the Animals to Noah . . .

by Ken Ham on November 12, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I was recently giving a secular writer/reporter a tour through the Ark Encounter and answering numerous questions, and I was asked how we found all the people who work at Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. After all, from the quality of the life-size Ark and all the exhibits, it’s obvious that we have very (very!) gifted individuals who work here. So how did we get such top-quality artists and fabricators?

“Just as God brought the animals to Noah, so he brought all these talented people to this ministry.”

The first time I was asked that question was by a CNN reporter at the opening of the Ark Encounter. My answer then is the same answer I give today: “Just as God brought the animals to Noah, so he brought all these talented people to this ministry.”

It’s really miraculous that this ministry has its own design studio with different types of artists, sculptors, fabricators, welders, CNC operators, architects, and engineers—and the list goes on. This was set up by our beloved late Patrick Marsh.

I have included a few photos to give you just a glimpse of what goes on at these studios. There’s much more that happens, but they will give you a little peek into this unique “world.”

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  • Hebron Warehouse

And our design studio is just one part of the ministry. If you want to join our design studio team (or any other department), check out our open job listings. We’re currently hiring in a variety of areas, including seasonal positions for our wonderful Christmas programs at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter.

Visit AnswersInGenesis.org/jobs. We’d love to have you join our team!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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