Did you know there was an empire that ruled North America before the Europeans arrived? For many of us, early North American history (before the arrival of Columbus) is rather hazy or patchy. We may even have an idyllic picture of tribes living at peace with nature and one another. But as always, history is much more complicated (and interesting!) than that—especially when you apply the biblical time frame in historical research!
And that’s exactly what AiG’s Harvard-trained Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson (one of our staff researchers) has done—with jaw-dropping results. He looks at Y-chromosome (male-inherited) DNA and applies a biblical timeline of a young earth, a global flood and population bottleneck, and the tower of Babel to his genetics research, and the results are like a “Rosetta stone” for human history.
You’ll enjoy this fascinating video about early North American history from our AiG YouTube channel.
This channel recently hit 100 million views! Yes, the Lord is using our social media team to reach many, many people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel. If you haven’t already, join our 600,000+ subscribers to enjoy exclusive content like the video below each week.
You can also learn more about Dr. Jeanson’s research in his fascinating book Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise or on his video series on Answers TV or YouTube.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.