102-Year-Old WW II Veteran Visits the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on October 14, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We had a unique visitor at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter recently. It’s not often you meet a person who is 102 years old and fought in the Battle of the Bulge during WW II! It was very special to get to meet this veteran and his family and for him to get to enjoy a special program that happened to be taking place that day at the museum.

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  • Corporal Don Aycock meeting Ken ham

Corporal Don Aycock is a World War II vet with the 18th Field Artillery, which was established in the Revolutionary War. He landed on Normandy 19 days after the war began, fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and helped liberate a concentration camp. So it was extra special that on the day of his visit to the museum, one of our staff members, Vickie Gaynier, was portraying Dutch woman Corrie ten Boom, who famously was held along with her sister in a concentration camp. Vickie dresses as Corrie and performs a touching one-woman play. Don enjoyed the program and said Vickie “reminded him of his mother.”

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  • Corporal Don Aycock and Vickie Gaynier

Thank you for your service, Don. He told me he loved the Ark and Creation Museum and was so thankful for what we are doing at these attractions. Thanks to his family for arranging for this unique visitor to be able to come and visit us.

And if you’d like to enjoy Vickie’s Corrie ten Boom program, watch our Daily Calendar for when the program will be running next or find a recording of the performance on Answers TV.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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