Behind the Scenes: 3D Printers Assist in Jerusalem Model Fabrication

by Ken Ham on September 16, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our very talented artists, sculptors, and fabricators work in our design studios, where they have a special room devoted to 3D printers. These printers are invaluable to our design team, as they dramatically speed up the process of creating the many (many!) buildings, people, animals, and the thousands of miscellaneous items needed for this scale-model replica of first-century Jerusalem coming to the Ark Encounter.

Right now, our exhibit designers for the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are making 1,600 houses for the Jerusalem model (this model will be housed in a special building currently under construction at the Ark). A Jerusalem model house starts with a single wall. The model of the wall gets created by the design team on computers and then sent off to be 3D printed. Once the 3D print is finished, it undergoes support removal and a thorough cleaning process.

The finished 3D-printed wall can then be sent to mold making, where it will be injection molded, allowing the artist to take one 3D-printed wall and multiply it to produce multiple walls for the homes in minutes.

And that’s just one of the estimated half-million parts needed for what is being produced for this 2,000 sq. ft. model of first-century Jerusalem. It will be the most archaeologically up-to-date model in the world and also one of the largest such indoor models.

Our designers are also working on producing 15,000 human figures as well as the structure itself for all the buildings. And there’s so much more.

These behind-the-scenes photos give you a glimpse of just one aspect of what goes on at the Answers in Genesis design studios.

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  • 3D Printers

Please continue to pray for our design team, exhibit artists, fabricators, and others as they work hard on this incredibly detailed coming exhibit.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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