Did Kangaroos and Giraffes Take Over at the Creation Museum?

by Ken Ham on August 22, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Did kangaroos and giraffes take over at the Creation Museum last week? Well, in a sense, yes, they did! If you visited the museum recently, you may have seen a video production crew in various places. They are filming for some new commercials.

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  • Filming in the Creation Museum Main Hall

These high-quality commercials will feature our animated giraffes (from our TV commercials for the Ark Encounter) and their kangaroo friend, Bouncer (our 3-Day Bouncer Pass is named after him). These new commercials will show the giraffes coming to visit the Creation Museum and will appear on social media and many other places. You can enjoy one of our previous commercials below.

There’s always something going on at the Ark and Creation Museum! Make sure you come and visit soon (remember all kids 10 and under are free, and our 3-Day Bouncer Pass allows you to “bounce” between the two attractions for three days within a week—it’s a popular way to experience everything the attractions have to offer). Visit CreationMuseum.org and ArkEncounter.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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