In Two Years, One Church Has Brought Nearly 1,000 People to the Ark!

by Ken Ham on August 1, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Last July I published a blog highlighting a massive church group of 525 people who visited the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum from Chino, California. Well, that church is back again for another “Science Experience,” as they call it, with another group—this time 400 people, including many young people. That means in just two years this church has brought nearly 1,000 people to the Ark and the museum!

We are thrilled to see many different types of groups coming to our attractions—such as church groups, youth groups, Christian school and homeschool groups, and so on. We even see quite a number of secular groups visiting our attractions.

As I mentioned, a large church group from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California recently brought 400 people to the attractions (Jack Hibbs is their senior and founding pastor, and he’s also the founder and president of Real Life ministry and is a nationally syndicated TV and radio host). The group spent three days at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum this week. These images are from their worship night held at the Answers Center that ended with dessert and fellowship. It’s amazing to see groups like this come all the way from California!

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  • Calvary Chapel Chino Hills group

We are starting to hear of large groups organizing to come from overseas too. We know of a group of 70+ young people coming to the attractions in December. Have you considered organizing a group from your area or church to visit the world’s two leading Christian themed attractions? If so, visit our page to learn more about how to plan a trip with a group (including a discount on tickets).

And don’t forget, kids 10 and under are free at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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