Sanctity of Life Witnessing Tool

by Ken Ham on July 25, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I love our staff members; they are visionaries who come up with creative ideas to impact people for the Lord Jesus Christ. As I say, our staff is one of our greatest assets as a ministry.

One of our graphic designers, Maria, came up with the idea of making our yearly calendar a unique and powerful teaching calendar. So for the last two years, those who have obtained an Answers in Genesis calendar have seen a QR code at the bottom of each month’s illustration. You open the camera app on your smartphone and hold it up to the QR code. A link then pops up on your screen—press that link, and it will take you to our video streaming platform, Answers TV. There, you will be able to watch a unique and powerful video that was produced specifically for that month’s topic. There is a new video for each month!

For 2024, our calendar has been taken to levels above any previous calendar in quality and teaching. There is nothing else like it! One of our artists, Cameron, worked with Maria to produce some of the most outstanding artwork I have ever seen dealing with the sanctity of life issue. (See examples of the illustrations Cameron produced for this new calendar below.) The artwork is based on the models and teaching in the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum—the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world. You will love Cameron’s style; there’s so much symbolism that provides a lot of powerful teaching.

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made 2024 Calendar

Now, God has blessed Answers in Genesis with a unique range of speakers, including those with backgrounds in molecular biology and forensics to cardiovascular physiology and more. These talented speakers were videoed for in-depth insights into how God has truly “fearfully and wonderfully” made us. The QR codes within the calendar link to these videos.

With everything we do here at Answers in Genesis, we are burdened to proclaim the gospel.

With everything we do here at Answers in Genesis, we are burdened to proclaim the gospel. We pray this calendar will be a conversation starter for your family, friends, and even coworkers. So I encourage you to order copies, hang them up in your home or office, and use them to share the gospel and tell everyone they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

The artwork is tastefully done and suitable for all ages. I have never seen a calendar like this. At a time when the topic of abortion permeates the culture and so many men and women are confused, we have a great opportunity to provide comforting and powerful witnessing tools to challenge people concerning the sanctity of life.

Yes, we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13–14).

Order your 2024 calendar today!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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