Beach Sunrises, Bush Turkeys, and a Kookaburra—Where Am I?

by Ken Ham on June 28, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Where am I writing from? Well, take a look at the photos below—a beautiful beach sunrise, a kookaburra (which is my favorite bird), and a brush turkey (also known as the incubator bird because it incubates its eggs in a pile of leaves and twigs, adding or removing material to keep the eggs at the right temperature throughout the incubation period). Based on these photos, where do you think I am?

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  • Australia beach

If you guessed Australia, you’re correct! I’m currently back in my home country to speak at the two-day Overcomers conference in the Brisbane area and a Christian educators conference on the Gold Coast.

Overcomers sold out very quickly, but it will also be live streamed.

And you can join me, along with Martyn Iles (who we recently announced is joining Answers in Genesis) and Dr. Georgia Purdom, from wherever you are. Overcomers sold out very quickly, but it will also be live streamed. You can order just the live stream, but if you subscribe to our streaming platform, Answers TV, you will have access to this conference live, as well as nearly 6,000 other videos!

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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