New Exhibit Featuring Dinosaurs Coming to the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on June 25, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A new exhibit is coming to the Creation Museum! It’s going to be a stunning exhibit that will feature a dinosaur to teach about the rapid burial that occurred during the flood of Noah’s day. This exhibit is well underway and will be installed at the Creation Museum sometime this year.

  • 3D-rendering of the dinosaur head

    Designer working on a 3D-rendering of the dinosaur head to be printed on our 3D printer.

  • Finished 3D-printed model of the dinosaur’s head

    Finished 3D-printed model of the dinosaur’s head.

  • Exhibit artist working on sculpting the dinosaur’s body

    Exhibit artist working on sculpting the dinosaur’s body.

  • Concept art of the display

    Concept art of the display.

We praise the Lord for Answers in Genesis’ talented design team, who are working on this exhibit that will be installed in the Starting Points room. If you’ve visited the Creation Museum, you may have noticed a large blank wall in this area. This is where the exhibit will be installed. The addition will enhance this already stunning exhibit area.

Come and visit the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world, located in Northern Kentucky—the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

Oh, and if you want to join our exhibit design and fabrication teams to create amazing exhibits like this new one, we’re hiring! (And in many other departments as well!)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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