It’s International Museum Day!

by Ken Ham on May 18, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It’s May 18, 2023. Today is International Museum Day! And it’s also the 43rd anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington state, USA. Now, what do this special day and this anniversary have in common?

Well, International Museum Day would be a great day to visit the Creation Museum (or make your plans to do so!). Not only is it one of the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world (the other being the Ark Encounter), but—and here’s the connection—our Flood Geology exhibit features a section on Mt. St. Helens.

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  • Mt. St. Helens exhibit sign

As a result of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, scientists observed in real time that it doesn’t take millions of years to form thousands of sedimentary layers or to erode canyons. Creation scientists saw the events at Mt. St. Helens really as a miniature laboratory to help people understand how geological processes could happen quickly, given the right conditions.

I encourage you to learn more about the lessons learned at Mt. St. Helens in this article from the 40-year anniversary of the eruption a few years ago, “Four Lessons from the Mount St. Helens Eruption.”

At the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, we overcome the censorship of information so people won’t be brainwashed by the secularists.

Of course, those who accept evolutionary geology hate to see people be given such information as it undermines their atheistic belief system. At the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, we overcome the censorship of information so people won’t be brainwashed by the secularists.

It’s truly thrilling to see the number of young people visiting the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter to learn the truth about history in geology, biology, astronomy, and anthropology as recorded in Genesis.

This time of year, we have quite a large number of school trips visiting the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter (and all kids 10 and under enjoy free admission in 2023!).

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  • Creation Museum Garden of Eden exhibit

Before your family visits secular museums like the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in D.C., make sure you bring them to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter so they will not be led astray by the atheistic evolutionary teaching of these secular museums.

Learn more about planning your visit at and

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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