Construction Begins on Answers in Genesis’ New Headquarters

by Ken Ham on April 23, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Answers in Genesis is growing again! As I detailed in a late February blog, we’re moving our offices from the Creation Museum to our new “International Headquarters” building—a building that will be such a blessing to our growing staff but will also house our K–12 school, Answers Academy. And interior demolition for construction and remodeling has begun!

As you can see in the photo below, the left side of the new headquarters building will house Answers Academy—which is a big praise because our biblical worldview and discipleship school with high academic standards is growing rapidly! They definitely need the space! (Oh, and they’re also in need of Christian teachers—high school science, middle school, etc. These teachers are employed by Answers in Genesis and have access to all the amenities and specialists at AiG, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum—such as our design studios, observatory, horticulture buildings, zoo animals, and more—for their students. It’s a very unique situation!)

AiG HQ exterior highlighting the Answers Academy side

Demolition has begun inside the building to clear the way for us to build classrooms and offices so the school can move in at the end of the year. We are so looking forward to seeing the renovation completed as we begin the next phase of this unique Christian academy.

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  • AiG HQ interior demolition and construction

The other half of the building (separate from the school) will house our staff offices and our much-needed expanded data center. Our staff will begin progressively moving from the Creation Museum to this new office in early 2024. We’re so excited for this new headquarters for the AiG ministry!

Praise the Lord!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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