AiG Zoo Presenter and Our Tarantula Get Published in a Scientific Journal

by Ken Ham on March 29, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

What’s the most feared animal on the planet? If you guessed “spider,” you’d be correct. But despite this, the Ark Encounter’s arachnids (the class spiders belong to) are quickly becoming our most famous animals. Last year, when the Ararat Ridge Zoo’s Asian forest scorpion, Jael, gave birth to 26 scorplings, her “birth announcement” became the most engaged zoo-related post ever on the Ark Encounter’s Facebook. And now, one of our tarantulas is spreading awareness of the Ark Encounter worldwide thanks to a study published by our zoo content manager, Karina Altman.

Karina, who speaks and writes for AiG, is currently pursuing her master’s degree in biology, and her goal is to change our guests’ perceptions of misunderstood animals like spiders, snakes, and sharks. One of her graduate school projects involved studying whether displays influenced Ark Encounter guests’ reactions to our endangered Mexican fireleg tarantula, Deborah.

Statistical analysis confirmed that there were significantly more positive reactions to Deborah with the personalized display than with the scientific display.

Here's how Karina did this study: for two weeks in October 2022, Deborah was presented to guests in a strictly scientific manner with black and white signs and no personalization. Then, Deborah was presented for another two weeks with colorful decorations and personalized signs using endearing language. Karina and her assistant, herptile keeper Pollyanna Smith, recorded each guest’s initial reaction to our tarantula over the four-week period. Statistical analysis confirmed that there were significantly more positive reactions to Deborah with the personalized display than with the scientific display.

Now, these results could actually help zoos better present traditionally feared animals, so Karina submitted her study to the American Association of Zoo Keepers. It was accepted and published in the March 2023 edition of their journal, Animal Keepers Forum—yes, contrary to what evolutionists say, creationists do science and can get published in secular journals!

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  • Animal Keepers' Forum

The journal that accepted Karina’s paper is distributed to about 2,800 subscribers from 150 zoos in 26 countries! Not only is this an impressive personal achievement for Karina, but the Ark Encounter and its Ararat Ridge Zoo are prominently mentioned throughout the article, and our tarantula Deborah even made the cover! It’s exciting that thousands of zoo professionals from around the world will hear about the Ark Encounter (and hopefully check us out!) because of a beautiful tarantula and the research Karina conducted.

Karina is passionate about advocating for misunderstood creatures. In the personalized display of Deborah that was shown to Ark guests, she crafted signs that remind people that God is the Creator of the “creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds,” and that God has given mankind dominion “over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 1:24, 26). That includes spiders!

Here are some “myth busters” and awesome facts about spiders that Karina shared with me:

  • Did you know there’s around 50,000 species of spiders, but even in our fallen world, only about a dozen can seriously harm adult humans? Yet because of sensationalized media portrayals, society often perceives all spiders negatively.
  • Spiders do a lot of good, especially in our fallen world. Scientists estimate that the world’s spiders consume 400 to 800 million metric tons of insects per year. Imagine a world without spiders!
  • Spider silk is five times stronger than steel, and humans have been studying it to make super materials.
  • Spider venom has been used to treat chronic pain, epilepsy, and muscular dystrophy.
  • There is a vegetarian spider—Bagheera kiplingi. This reminds us that, yes, all animals were vegetarian in God’s original creation—even the ones that today are predators.

While they may be quite different from us, spiders—like everything God has made—display the creativity and glory of our Creator.

If you want to learn more about some of the incredible creatures God made—or want to introduce your children to them—I highly recommend Awesome Facts About Animals, the book Karina recently coauthored with our zoo director, Leanne Sarkisian. It’s filled with beautiful photos of all sorts of animals, along with awesome facts and biblical worldview teaching.

Oh, and plan your visit to the Ark Encounter (and its sister attraction, the Creation Museum)—you might just get to meet Deborah, or some of our other misunderstood creatures, in one of our popular daily animal programs!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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