Since thousands of families are now beginning to pour into the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum as our busy spring season begins, I thought I’d share with you some “60-second tours” of the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. These videos highlight just some of what we offer at these family-friendly, God-honoring attractions. But there is so much more at these fun-filled family facilities.
Ark Encounter tour
Creation Museum tour
I encourage you to plan your visit today! Oh, and if you can, plan to come for Easter weekend. We’re hosting a special all-day Living History event on April 7–8, 2023, at the Creation Museum. Staff and volunteers in accurately recreated costumes will give details on the historical background of Easter and Passover with breadmaking, a moneychanger’s area (which has been expanded from last year to include a display on wages and currency exchange), and an expanded soldiers’ display with the addition of details on Roman justice and punishment—including touching on flogging and crucifixion. One of our exhibit researchers, Levi Sherman, will even be presenting both days in Legacy Hall on the “Roman” garrison of Judea and the soldiers of the New Testament.
This special event is included with your Creation Museum admission. Don’t miss it! It will really bring the account of Easter to life.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.