Get the Details Here: Equal Protection for the Unborn Bill Coming to Kentucky

by Ken Ham on February 1, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Last week, we hosted the ministry End Abortion Now at the Creation Museum for an “emergency information meeting” on a bill that will be introduced here in Kentucky to end abortion in our state by ensuring equal rights for the unborn. The event was well attended by Kentucky pastors and families, as well as some legislators. We pray many were stirred to action to defend the least of these—and even if you missed the meeting, you can still get all the information so you can become involved!

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  • End Abortion Now event at the Creation Museum

Apologia Studios (a sister ministry of End Abortion Now) livestreamed the entire event so everyone can learn more about the bill, what it means, and the thinking behind it. Hear from pastors, an attorney, and Representative Emily Callaway, who is sponsoring the bill, and more. I also gave a 30-minute presentation during the event about how we should think about abortion from a biblical standpoint. I encourage you to take time to watch even if you aren’t in Kentucky (similar bills are being proposed across the nation) and share it with your pastor.

Or catch just my presentation—which includes a very stirring personal testimony from a young lady who visited the Creation Museum and then put what she learned into action—in this video:

Learn more about how you can be involved in supporting this bill, including joining the Rally for Equal Protection at the Kentucky State Capitol on February 17, at and

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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