If Only Every Young Person Could Take These Classes!

by Ken Ham on November 22, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

This past week, students completed a series of labs on the topic of environmental science during one of our high school lab programs at the Creation Museum. I love seeing all of these young people eagerly studying God’s creation through the lens of God’s Word. What an incredible opportunity to raise up a generation of scientists, researchers, and others who think biblically.

As you can see in these photos, the students were very intrigued by what they were learning and discovering.

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  • High School Environmental Science Lab
These students will understand weather and climate and interpret the observational science through the lens of a truly biblical worldview.

This environmental science lab (the labs will continue throughout the school year) covered many different areas including understanding weather patterns and ice core samples. These students will understand weather and climate and interpret the observational science through the lens of a truly biblical worldview. If only all young people were taught these subjects correctly! If that were the case, we wouldn’t see so much ignorance when it comes to humans and their interaction with the environment, the weather, and the climate.

Our high school labs (registration opening soon for the 2023–2024 school year) are fantastic—and it’s a whole year of programs (24 labs in 12 sessions). Students learn so much and love how hands-on the program is.

We also offer high school lab intensives—15 labs in five days at the Ark Encounter in the summer. This summer we’re offering chemistry, forensic science, anatomy & physiology, and biology.

Check out all of our lab programs at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter and register your students today. Such programs are available nowhere else except at the Ark and Creation Museum, located here in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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