Gorgeous New Mezzanine Seating Area Opens at the Creation Museum

on November 19, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

What an exciting weekend! On October 9, we opened our greatly expanded Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum. It’s stunning and the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world. But that’s not the only change to our Palm Plaza area in the lower level of the museum.

Our artists, designers, and fabricators have been hard at work transforming inaccessible space into a beautiful mezzanine seating area where guests can relax and enjoy a meal.

Our artists, designers, and fabricators have been hard at work transforming inaccessible space into a beautiful mezzanine seating area where guests can relax and enjoy a meal. This area now overlooks Palm Plaza (which was recently upgraded and is stunning) with a brand-new view, a “forced perspective” cityscape, cozy lighting that changes as if going from day to night, gorgeous and very detailed artwork depicting victorious acts of God, and more. While we’re still waiting for tables to be delivered (supply chain issues impact everything!), we’ve placed seating so guests can enjoy the artwork and the view in the meantime.

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  • Palm Plaza Mezzanine

You’ll love this incredible upgrade to our Palm Plaza area, coinciding with the opening of our new Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit. Plan your visit today—and remember, children 10 and under enjoy free admission through 2022. The museum is west of the Cincinnati Airport.

Visit CreationMuseum.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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