New Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Exhibit—It’s So Powerful

by Ken Ham on October 29, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

On October 9, 2022, we opened our new, greatly expanded Fearfully & Wonderfully Made pro-life exhibit at the Creation Museum. If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to come and see it, be sure to plan your visit soon—it is incredible! And it’s so much more than just visually and aesthetically stunning. I believe it is the most powerful such exhibit in the world. Our research has not found anything like it anywhere.

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  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit
It really opens guests’ eyes to the personhood of the unborn (and sparks great conversations between parents and children).

I am so thankful that thousands of guests—including many families with children and young people—can come and see this phenomenal testimony to the wonder of life and God’s intricate design of each human life. It really opens guests’ eyes to the personhood of the unborn (and sparks great conversations between parents and children). And additional signage helps guests see the biblical and scientific perspective on life.

The exhibit features

  • Twelve life-like baby models with a stunning “Pepper’s ghost” effect that highlights developing organs and systems
  • A developmental timeline
  • Detailed teaching about the development of a baby
  • Scripture’s teaching regarding the unborn
  • A giant baby and uterus with a giant placenta that highlights how this “selfless servant” organ connects mom and baby
  • Animations
  • And so much more

We praise the Lord that we’re able to provide this teaching—and at such an incredible level of quality. Come and be amazed, not just by the craftsmanship of our talented design and fabrication teams but by God’s handiwork in making you fearfully and wonderfully.

Plan your visit today at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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