3 Tips for Early VBS Planning

by Ken Ham on September 13, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We’re so excited for our 2023 Answers Vacation Bible School program Keepers of the Kingdom—and we hope you are too!

Our team has worked hard to have everything ready for you to preorder early this year, so you can start shopping everything Keepers of the Kingdom right now. We hope this gets you excited for how the Lord will use this VBS program in 2023!

Before I share some tips for early VBS planning, I want to highlight why I believe Answers in Genesis produces the best and most powerful VBS program available:

Answers VBS isn’t “fluff and stuff” like many other curricula: it’s filled with deep content to give children a solid biblical foundation.
  • Answers VBS isn’t “fluff and stuff” like many other curricula: it’s filled with deep content to give children a solid biblical foundation. Children love to learn!
  • Answers VBS is filled with apologetics (i.e., faith defense) teaching, a biblical authority emphasis, science experiments, great music, and much more. Kids love to be equipped.
  • Answers VBS teaches children why we believe what we believe. Kids love to get answers.

And our 2023 VBS, Keepers of the Kingdom, is no different! It’s a medieval adventure featuring the armor of God and teaching children how they can stand strong in today’s battle for truth. In a time where relativism is permeating the culture, kids need to know there is absolute truth and that it’s found in God’s Word. During VBS week, children will learn these important lessons:

  • That we’re in a battle between two kingdoms
  • What the pieces of the armor of God are and what they represent
  • That there is absolute truth that’s for all people, all times, and all circumstances
  • To put on what’s right (Jesus’ righteousness) . . . and do right
  • To guard against false teaching and temptations
  • To be ready to give an answer for the hope they have (1 Peter 3:15).

We can’t wait to see how the Lord will use Keepers of the Kingdom to impact children with the truth of his Word and the gospel!

Three Tips for Early VBS Planning

Now, I know it’s early to be planning for next year’s VBS—after all, it’s September! But planning early is a great way to relieve some of the busyness of the weeks before VBS and to piggyback on the excitement and energy of your recent VBS. So here are three tips for early VBS planning:

  1. Preorder now. Not only will you save 25% with coupon code VBS23B at checkout (through January 10, 2023), but you’ll also get instant access to the digital leader guides (that’s over a $130 value!). Instant access means you can flip through these guides now, familiarizing yourself with the content, theme, and main teaching points. Being mentally prepared to know what you will teach is a wonderful way to be fully immersed in the content, providing a richer experience for the children attending your VBS.
  2. Highlight your VBS at fall and Christmas church events. Don’t forget to plug VBS at various church events where families will be present. This helps keep it on their radar throughout the whole year.
  3. Shop the sales. A great way to plan in advance is to keep the list of supplies you need handy. Then, when you’re out shopping, you can utilize seasonal and holiday sales to get what you need and stay under budget.

Plan Your Best VBS Ever with Our Showcase

And we can help you with your advance planning during our Keepers of the Kingdom Showcase Event on January 28, 2023, at the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati. This one-day event features:

  • Decorating tips
  • Craft and science experiment demonstrations
  • A Bible lesson overview
  • Games and snacks overviews
  • A how-to on hosting a sensory-friendly VBS
  • Get-togethers with other directors
  • And more!

Not only will you gain practical VBS wisdom, but you and your team will have a lot of fun in the process! Register online for this exciting event in January (a group discount is available).

Stand Firm Conference

We’re also hosting a special preconference the day before the showcase. On January 27, 2023, at the Ark Encounter, you’ll enjoy teaching sessions from Bryan Osborne, Tim Chaffey, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and me to equip you to answer the questions the children in your VBS are facing and asking in today’s battle for truth. This conference is open to everyone, but we specifically encourage VBS volunteers to attend. You can register for that event on our event page (combo registration for both the conference and the showcase, along with Ark admission, is available).

Stand Firm Conference

We hope to see you there!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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