Be Encouraged by a New Biography on The Genesis Flood Co-Author Dr. John Whitcomb

by Ken Ham on April 23, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The Genesis Flood by engineer Dr. Henry Morris and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb was one of the first major books I read on the issue of creation, the age of the earth, and a historical Genesis, and it greatly impacted me. This book was one of the first we started selling back in the 1970s—indeed, it was the book that is credited for launching the modern creation movement. I’ve heard many testimonies over the years of pastors who told me The Genesis Flood book saved them from the liberal theology at the seminary they were attending.

They leave behind an incredible legacy of defending the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse.

Both authors have since gone to be with the Lord, Dr. Morris in 2006 and Dr. Whitcomb in 2020. But they leave behind an incredible legacy of defending the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse. And you can discover more about one of the men behind that legacy in a new biography telling the life story of Dr. John Whitcomb. I count it such a privilege that Dr. Whitcomb was able to visit the Ark while it was under construction and laid one of the 12 stones on opening day of the Ark Encounter for the 12 stones monument.

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  • Dr. John Whitcomb

Written by his son, A Good & Faithful Servant: The Life and Times of Prof. John C. Whitcomb, Th.D. is the story of a man who was faithful to God and his Word and was passionate about sharing that message with the world. In this biography, you’ll get a glimpse into who Dr. Whitcomb was as you discover his personal heartache, his influences, and his enduring faith in action through personal stories and many photographs.

This trailer for the book features the author, David Whitcomb, sharing why this book is so important:

Dr. Whitcomb’s impact will be felt for generations to come—I believe you will be blessed to read this encouraging biography. I am sure it will both challenge you on what kind of legacy you will leave and encourage you to trust God’s Word in spite of criticism and outright opposition.

You can find A Good & Faithful Servant at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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